|  Send Email James Brown has painted in Oil for several decades, and lately mostly paints portraits and Still Life. He is especially attracted to Light - the way it falls on skin and reflects off vases and other objects.
Without light we see nothing, and what we see is merely light reflecting off, and defining the shape of objects and illuminating the surrounding space.
He is attracted to complexity and the representation of it in impressionistic ways.
' Impressionism compared to photographic realism is like the difference between a book and a movie; a book allows the reader to create a world in their mind - an experience that is unique to them - a movie is the world created by the producer - there is no room for an individual interpretation. '
He wants the viewer's mind to fill in the gaps and create their own personal interpretation of his paintings.
He believes Art is for everybody. Everyone is innately creative and able to enjoy art. Saying "I like it" is just as valid a response to Art as an intellectual de-construction of it.
He has developed his own method of Oil painting - Expresso - which lends itself to the extremely rapid teaching of Oil Painting; within 3 hours an absolute beginner learns to paint a Portrait, acquiring a set of artistic tools that gives them the confidence to paint anything.
His Youtube channel presents multiple examples of the techniques VIDEO